
Adrift between Learning and Voyeurism, Beauty and Neglect


The alleys of Al Amari,
Dirty whites, greys, browns, and beiges
Surround our ‘tour group’ like a dreary maze.

Vibrant colors emanate only from
The beautiful women’s dresses
And the cheap tee shirts and shorts of playing children.

‘Cause homes, streets, neighborhoods of color
Come only with the day-by-day care
Of folks able to invest.

Still, their undying energy can be felt
Every time children exclaim: How are you!
As I shake their little hands.
Every time young men greet us: Welcome!
Like it’s the best days of their lives.

Their hospitable spirit is comforting,
Even life giving!
In a place where my footing is so unsure.

Somehow, I feel so funny
In a ‘study tour’ through other people’s stagnation,
Passing through, wondering
About the right words to say,
In a situation that should be
About the right actions to take.


This unease lingers,
Until once again I walked the dusty hills of Susiya,
Part of a protest against its demolition.

Until I saw those small but brave Susiya children
Marching, almost surfing on their excitement
That the world was waking up!

Until I felt myself giving —
Not on a tour for my self-enrichment,
Not one-time waves and handshakes,
— but simple continuity, ready to be nurtured.